
Keynote Speaker

Dr. David Stringer Enspirited nature: Indigenous languages and the legal protection of endangered ecosystems Abstract  Video



Dr. Huda Halawachy Coronavirus Pandemic:Pros and Future Steps for Promoting Environmental Awareness in Iraqi Higher Education During coronavirus pandemic, which is coined to Wuhan, Hubei province, China, in December 2019, and even post pandemic, researches and writings have highlighted the role of corona virus in enhancing man environmental awareness. The current qualitative article aims to answer one question :In the scenario of university classroom , how could the teacher promote environmental awareness among their students during coronavirus pandemic? The participants were 19 students, Third Stage , at the Department of English in the College of Arts, in the University of Mosul , Mosul , Nineveh, Iraq. The corpus included 19 reports which the participants submitted to the teacher as an assignment under the title “Writing a Report on Magazine Article” posted on Google Classroom (July 9th,2021) . As environmental hazards are parts of the daily stories we live by, the participants were asked to write a report on any environmental issue given in National Geographic Magazine. The Class was Research Methodology given in 2 hours a week online as an item in the academic syllabus for Third Stage .A checklist was adopted as a tool in scaling the environmental awareness among Iraqi University Students taking into consideration the environmental issues in the original article, the title ,and the extracts that mostly attracted the participant’s attention. Results revealed that Global warming ,Pollution, Animals Extinction, Nature Sustainability captured the participants’ eyes. The article ended up with a section including some suggestions and recommendations for environmental education.  Video
Dr. Diego Forte Coloniality and Industrial Environmentalism: The Role of Ecolinguistics in Latin American Discourse Studies Discourse Studies have a strong tradition in Latin American universities. Beginning in the sixties, Discourse Analysis approaches, even before CDA, introduced a critical turn from Linguistics and Semiotics that crossed Social Sciences and established a new perspective. Ecolinguistics and environmental studies, on the other hand, pose a different approach in academic fields, not very developed in the region. As a theoretical approach, Ecolinguistics has found a hard path to establish itself as a discipline in the universities of the region. In this work we aim to analyse the development of Critical Discourse Studies and Ecolinguistics in Latin America to present a possible explanation about the difficulties Ecolinguists have found in the region to introduce their scope in formal academic institutions and  why Critical Discourse Analysis have remained far from the eco-perspectives in South America. We argue that CDA has not broken the Eurocentric vision or the environmental perspectives the anthropocentrism and industrial fatalism of the dominant discourses pose. Due to the particular Latin American context, issues approached keep an anthropocentric perspective while theoretical frames present a Eurocentric thinking. In this context, critical Ecolinguistics, along with gender studies, may present an alternative perspective on human-nonhuman-nature relations.   Video
Dr. Rivika C. Alda Navigating Sustainability through World Englishes: A Language that Works Abstract  Video
Dr. Yusmarni   Abstract  Video
Dr. Fouad Akki Ecolinguistic Analysis of Hunters Communities of Practice in Facebook While existing studies on hunting Communities of Practice in recent years have been invesigated in real world seetings, virtual sites have been overlooked. Grounded in ‘Situated Learning and Communities of Practice’ theoretical framework (Lave & Wenger, 1991), this study examines hunting communities of practice in Facebook to identify the most salient traits in the hunters’discussions. By adhering to a qualitative reserch design that relies upon discourse and semiotic analysis, data were collected from various hunting Facebook pages all over the world. The dominant themes revolve around resentment towards emphasizing hunting as achievement (trophies), income, and fun or leisure. Conversely, issues related to ecology, ethics, and animals’ protection were not adequately raised in the hunters’ discussions. The study suggests embracing discourses and practices that could protect the life of animals, especially endangered species, and ends with drawing recommendations for future researchers.  
Dr. Devina Krishna Analyzing Language Vulnerability from Ecological Linguistic Perspective: A Case of Angika and Bajjika The area of ‘Ecolinguistics’ has gained widespread attention in recent times among linguists and researchers. In this domain, language gets its association within the ecological domain and aims to analyse the relationship between language and the environment.  The subject has gained a lot of prominence in contemporary times as it lends a new insight on linguistic research thereby taking ecology into consideration. The crucial point is to study the language along with the environment which forms the locus of the language. Hindi which is the emergent lingua franca in Bihar have been highlighted, and how people in many remote regions use the powerful Hindi language, and as a result the regional languages have become vulnerable. The present study depicts that Bihar has been prone to multiple natural disasters which include flood, earthquake, drought, cyclonic storms, and lightening of high severity. For instance, the statistical data proves that majority of the regions in North Bihar is prone to floods. Thus, these natural factors may wipe out a whole people leading to the creation of linguistic ecological crisis of their native languages. In addition to this, social factor also plays role wherein the spread and fame of the Internet has aggravated the spread of Hindi as a common language in Bihar. Thus, the present paper studies Bihari languages and their vulnerability from the perspectives of ecolinguistics. The languages of Bihar such as ‘Angika’ and ‘Bajjika’ are facing the linguistic situation of vulnerability. Various factors lead to their present linguistic situation and therefore, the present paper attempts to study these languages from the ecological linguistic perspective. It also presents the strategies for preserving these ‘so-labelled’ vulnerable codes as the reduced linguistic diversity is a situation of alarm. It is time that the so-called vulnerable languages get addressed so that initiatives could be improvised to save these languages thereby reducing the rate of language attrition.  Video
Dr. Muhammad Safdar Bhatti Investigating Challenges and Solutions for Learning Speaking Skills at BS Level Speaking skills are defined as the skills which allow us to communicate effectively. They give us the ability to convey information verbally and in a way that the listener can understand. It is the most important skill because it is one of the abilities that are needed to perform a conversation. English speaking is not an easy task because speakers should know many significant components like pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. The current study aims at improving speaking skills in English of the BS level students of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. The study comprised to examine the difficulties and challenges faced by students in speaking English. This study explored students' difficulties in speaking English and teachers strategies for improving students' speaking in daily conversation. The students of the IUB were chosen as the study subjects because they must be able to speak other languages. Primary and secondary data were obtained using questionnaire. According to the researchers’ observations and interview results, the students had difficulties learning English, particularly in speaking English because numerous factors influenced them. There are certain issues which students face when trying to speak English. It was observed that the students could not read the texts easily. According to assessments, the students believe they are weak in grammar. Almost all of the students had poor command of English vocabulary. Several students mentioned throughout the interview rounds that they would have trouble in pronouncing some English terminology. When many students tried to speak English they felt shyness, apprehension and frightened of making mistakes. The foci of the study revealed that the students have difficulty in speaking, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, anxiety and shyness. Considering the aforementioned results, it is proposed that students should increase their speaking confidence. Therefore, it would be preferable if the student join English clubs to practice regularly and speak effectively. The motivation of a teacher and the incentive of students' opinions are crucial to boost students' concentration in English learning, particularly communication. The researchers’ conclusion with suggestions and recommendations was also summed up at the end of the study.  Video
Dr. Tong Hung Tam Green Language Revitalization: Promoting Environmental Awareness through Linguistic Preservation The study explores the intricate nexus of language sustainability and environmental conservation, with a particular emphasis on the concept of "Green Language Revitalization" and its capacity to cultivate environmental consciousness through linguistic preservation. Employing an integrated research approach, this investigation identifies and scrutinized the challenges associated with infusing environmental concepts into the preservation of endangered languages. Moreover, it endeavors to delineate practical, long-term strategies for safeguarding endangered languages in the context of Vietnam, a nation celebrated for its linguistic diversity. By dissecting these issues, this research contributes to a broader comprehension of language sustainability and environmental awareness, emphasizing the role of linguistic preservation in both cultural heritage preservation and environmental advocacy. Ultimately, it seeks to illuminate the intricate interplay between language, culture, and the environment, offering pragmatic insights into the preservation of endangered languages in Vietnam and underscoring the dual significance of linguistic preservation in preserving heritage and advancing environmental stewardship in a globally interconnected landscape.  Video
Dr. Fouad Boulaid Chat GPT in the Lab: Analyzing the Pros and Cons for Research Professionals: Four Moroccan Universities as a Case Study ChatGPT is a natural large language model developed by OpenAI, which generates human-like responses to a wide range of questions and prompts. For researchers, ChatGPT can provide quick and accurate answers to academic questions. The study explores the benefits and pitfalls of ChatGPT among higher education researchers. Based on a convenient sampling, the study involves a mixed-methods approach that includes both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. Two hundred and seventy-five researchers, who have used ChatGPT for various academic projects, are the subjects under study.  The data was collected via online questionnaires and face-to-face interviews from different universities and higher education institutions. The data collected was supported by the SPSS software and analyzed to identify the usage of ChatGPT, and the outcomes show that the benefits of ChatGPT include its ability to provide quick and accurate responses to queries, facilitate learning and information-seeking, and enhance communication skills, while the pitfalls include its potential to lead to an overreliance on technology, reduced critical thinking skills and the risk of plagiarism Video
Leni Syafyahya  Makna dan Aspek Makna Bahasa Verbal ODGJ Pascaterapi: Kasus Umbiyah The problems discussed in this research are the development of hemung and sperrung in post-therapy ODGJ verbal language and the meaning and aspects of post-therapy ODGJ verbal language. The aim of this research is to explain the development of hemung and sperrung and the meaning and aspects of the meaning of ODGJ's verbal language after therapy. The method used in this research is observation. Methods, editing, coding, and matching methods are used in data analysis. Data obtained from YouTube Diman Khan TV. The results of the research show that there is silence or slowing down of conversation when asked about the deep conflict within the sufferer and the sperrung or cessation of conversation when asked about the presence of deep conflict in the soul of the Umbiyah case sufferer has experienced development. This means that hemung and sperrung have decreased after therapy. In addition, looking at the meaning and aspects of meaning in Umbiyah verbal language, it can be stated that ODGJ often does not agree between these aspects of meaning. ODGJ in language, which is coherent will produce sentences that have meaning, meaning that the aspects of meaning are compact or related. There are times when aspects of meaning are not unified or unrelated. This will be seen if the ODGJ does not respond to the conversation. For example, the sufferer feels sad (feeling), but the tone of voice (tonal aspect) of the sufferer is happy or angry. This is caused by the branching of the ODGJ's soul. Keywords: ODGJ, meaning, aspects of meaning, and post-therapy  Video
Dra. Efri Yades, M.Hum.

Analysis of Indonesian Phrases Based on Word Category as The Core Element

Phrase is a linguistic study in the field of syntax which is the most important element in Indonesian sentences. In this article, we will discuss phrases based on word categories that are the core elements. The writing in this article aims to explain the types, forms and relationships of meaning between elements in phrases. To obtain valid research results, complete data is needed. Data was taken by listening to the use of phrases in print and electronic media. After the data is collected, the data is classified and analyzed using the equivalent and distributional methods. Based on the data analysis, the following results were obtained: Indonesian phrases based on word categories which are the core elements, namely: nominal, verbal, adjective, numeral, pronominal, adverbial, and prepositional phrases.

Dini Maulia Relation of V-teiru ASPECT and Negation in Japanese

Verbal features -teiru in Japanese is one of the feature categories that is debatable as the consequence of its classification of meaning-making. This article explores the form features of -teiru toward negation to describe the change of meaning that is produced. Along the way, the writer recommends the classification of -teiru when it presents together with negation constituent in clause construction. The object of this research is the Japanese verb in -teiru form. The data is obtained from Kotonoha corpus that can be accessed through In collecting the data, some of the keywords are used including -teiru, -teinai, -teita, -teinakatta, -teimasu, -teimasen, -teimashita, dan -teimasendeshita. The analysis of -teiru features in this research corresponds to the theory that is proposed by Nitta (1991) who classifies the meaning of -teiru features into four: ugoki no saichuu ‘continuity of action’, kekkajoutai no jizoku ‘continuity of outcome state’, kurikaeshitekijizoku ‘repeated continuity’, and keiken-kiroku ‘experience- note/memory. The analysis of the data indicates that the presence of negation whether in past or non-past form can produce -teiru form in two features, those are perfective and imperfective. Those that are categorized as perfective features include the presence of negation on feature meaning V-teiru which is classified as kekkajoutai no jizoku. While the imperfective present on negation meaning on ugoki no saichuu, kurikaeshitekijizoku, dan keiken-kiroku categories.

Noviatri, M.Hum  Adverbia Kepastian dan Ketidakpastian Bahasa Minangkabau Kota Pariaman Penulisan makalah ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keberagaman bentuk lingual yang digunakan oleh masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat Minangkabau kota Pariaman dalam berkomunikasi. Keberagaman bentuk lingual tersebut salah satunya terlihat dalam penggunaan adverbia, terutama adverbia kepastian dan ketidakpastian. Ada beberapa bentuk adverbia yang digunakan dengan perilaku yang tidak sama. Sehubungan dengan itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk adverbia kepastian dan ketidakpastian yang digunakan masyarakat Minangkabau di kota Pariaman dan menjelaskan perilakunya. Dalam penyediaan data digunakan metode Simak dan cakap. Untuk menganalisis data digunakan metode padan translasional dan referensial. Dalam menyajikan hasil analisis data digunakan metode penyajian informal. Populasi penelitian ini ialah seluruh adverbia kepastian dan ketidakpastian Bahasa Minangkabauyang digunakan oleh masyarakat Kota Pariaman. Sampelnya ialah adverbia kepastian dan ketidakpastian Bahasa Minangkabau yang digunakan oleh masyarakat di Pariaman Tengah dan Selatan. Berdasarkan bentuknya, ada dua bentuk adverbia kepastian dan ketidakpastian yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Pariaman, yaitu adverbia kepastian dan ketidakpastian berbentuk monomorfemis dan polimorfemis. Berdasarkan perilaku sintaksisnya, adverbia yang digunakan ada yang mendampingi fungsi subjek, fungsi predikat, dan fungsi keterangan. Berdasarkan posisi letaknya, adverbia kepastian dan ketidakpastian ada yang mendahului, mengikuti, dan mendahului atau mengikuti kata yang diterangkannya. Video
Suranda, Lasmi Anisa Putri, Raudatul Aulia, Siti Nabilah Rohima  Implicature in Palestine Related Caricatures  Justice is one of the pillars that must be upheld in the world. It is the same as the case of colonialism in Palestine which has caused never-ending suffering. This attracts sympathy from the public, especially Muslims in the world, to defend Palestine. One of them is shown through caricature media. There are many implied meanings that can be obtained from caricatures. Therefore, the author feels that it is necessary to analyze these implied meanings more deeply in the study of implicatures. This research uses a descriptive method using proficient free-involved listening techniques. Data collection and analysis is taken via the internet, reading books, and journals. This research shows that there are two types of implicature in Palestinian caricatures, namely conventional implicature and conversational implicature. However, the most frequently encountered implicatures are conventional implicatures. This research recommends further research to examine and analyze the implications of the public’s defense of Palestine in other media. Video